Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Budget update

If you go to the Rockbridge Weekly website you'll see several videos and the agenda from the retreat with the city on Saturday. The communication with the city is very strong, we're all in this together and we'll do want we can with the revenues available from the state and city to maintain our quality education. Please attend meetings, keep updated on the accurate information and email or call me if you have questions. Currently with the Governor's budget we have a shortfall of $265,018 based on level funding from the city. The final numbers from the state are expected by March 10th. Our budget is due to the city on April 1st. We've only had 1 blog for a proposed reduction. We would welcome your suggestions.


  1. I think reconfiguration among the elementary schools is a temporary fix. This might seem like a solution for next year, however, the middle school is going to eventually have to be repaired or moved. I wouldn't want us to change to K-2 and 3-4 schools for next year and then see that we will need to change again the following year. I think we need to revisit charging a small fee for textbooks and possibly buses.

  2. In my opinion, we have no business thinking about setting up a pre-school program this coming year. I realize that the state has given us $50,000 to be used for this program only. I strongly believe that it will cost much more that this to set up an appropriate classroom for this program and that the program alone will incur unforeseen added costs such as more referals for therapies and supplies. We are already proposing to cut or reduce programs we already have in place such as CTE and art. Why would we add another new program if we can't afford to keep some of the ones we have? This is just my opinion, but I say give the money back to the state or hold onto it for future use later when things improve.

  3. I think we should look at transportation as a reduction. It is my understanding that this could be a savings of $300,000. Lexington does not provide transportation and it has seemed to work.

  4. I agree that transportation should be looked at as a way to save money; either by limiting the number of stops that are made, charging a fee to ride the bus, only providing it for elementary students, or completely doing away with it.

    1. there are precedents for charging for bus routes. This year alone, many cities across the country have started charging a nominal fee for bus service. Free/reduced lunch students are given special consideration regarding this fee. I would be willing to pay for my children to continue to use the bus. Doing away with bus service completely will impact absenteeism negatively.

  5. It may be too late for this budget, but moving 8th grade to the high school is a smart move. The 8th graders play sports, take classes and march with the high school already. My experience with my 8th grader at the high school this year has been nothing but positive. The high school students my son and his friends interact with are protective of these younger students. There has never been a day since school started that I was concerned about these students being in the high school. The ability of the school system to promote based on ability instead of chronological age will only be strengthen by this move.

    I also believe that real consideration should be given to closing the middle school for classes. This would save an enormous amount of money not to mention protect the safety of the students. Keeping the building in the system for use of the auditorium and gym is necessary, but with the declining student population in the city, decreasing the public school foot print also becomes necessary.
